Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unsun The End of Life Mini Metal Review

For those who like clean vocal's power with guitars, then you will like UnSun. Unsun is a bit of a mix between Gothic, Symphonic and Alternative metal. Depending on the song.

The band was founded by a ex guitar player Maurycy Stefanowicz of the death metal band Vader. Thus some of the music sounds a little bit familial to their work.

The vocals on this album are sometimes kinda pop like, but I think it makes a good blend with the guitars for some interesting metal. Some of the songs are fast and pretty heavy, then their are the slower songs which are more towards the alternative style. But when you listen to it all together, it makes for a pretty epic album.

The song "Face the Truth" is a slow song, but has a really cool epic part in the middle.


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