Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Cut Studio 4 Predictions

For those of you who know about Final Cut and who edit video, then you know how awesome Apple's Pro editing software can be. But there has been much worried panic and rumors spreading about the future of Final Cut Studio 4. Some believe that Apple is going to be dropping Final Cut Studio, or dumbing it down to a more friendly consumer base level. But I don't think Apple is going to give Final Cut, the uh, Final Cut just yet. Here's why.

Final Cut Studio 2 was mind blowing, but can 4 bring the awesome?
Apple has to many Pro users: If apple kills all of their pro software, then who is going to buy their MacPro and Macbook pro machines? Since they are still supporting and updating their High end computer's, it wouldn't make to much sense for Apple to kill Final Cut, which is one of the big reasons why many people buy a MacPro. 

Steve Jobs has hinted at something: For sure, Steve Jobs reply to a email saying that a new update was coming. But the question is, what kind of update? Will it be the high end professional editing that we expect, or some lame imovie gimmick. If Steve Job's still has some sense in him, it should be the high end professional editing that we expect. 

Release Date: I pinpoint the release of Final Cut Studio 4 to happen sometime within the first half of the year. According to some, it will come out early 2011, but I wouldn't hold my breath. But I think we will at least hear something before April, or by at least the end of the summer. 

Features: We all know that Apple is falling behind Adobe and Avid, so Final Cut Studio 4 is going to have to pay catch up. I think the most important thing that will be improved on is Speed, and perhaps a new interface. At least one of the two should arrive with Final Cut Studio 4.

Hopefully next year will be a better year for Apple Pro user's. Here's to wishing that Final Cut, gets many more upgrades in the future.


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