Friday, December 3, 2010

Nintendo 3DS to gimmick off past Titles?

While the Nintendo 3DS new games look great, its hard to not worry if past Nintendo games will be poorly converted to 3D and put on sale. While there are great past Nintendo games like The Legend of Zelda The Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64, it will be interesting to see how they transfer to the 3D format.

Will the 3D be worth it? Or should you stick to Virtual Console?
When I think about how cool it see Legend of Zelda in 3D, I just hope that Nintendo can convert past titles to the 3D format. While I am sure the company is focusing on new titles as well, they are porting a lot of classic titles first to delay time for newer titles. 

Paper Mario, Animal Crossing and Mario Kart may be ported as well. (No word if these are new titles or ported games)

If the 3D is done well, I think it would be awesome to play though these classic Nintendo games again with a 3D twist. But if the 3D sucks, I would rather play these games on my big screen via the virtual console then on a handheld.


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