Friday, August 19, 2011

Spy Kids: All The Time in the world 4D ~ What a mess

Spy Kids was a great series, up until now. Spy Kids in 4D is a mess, and just plain stupid. So frist off, the film is in 3D, and you get this scratch and sniff card which you use during the movie to recreate smells that are happening on screen. Not only does this distract you from the film itself, more then half the smells are pretty gross.

So besides from that, you've got a plot, that is a lot like the first spy kids. Expect all the charm and fun is taken out. Sure, the first spy kids was campy, but this takes it to a whole new level. They also have thrown in a talking robotic dog, and a baby, which just adds to the noise.

If your taking your kids to this, be prepared as there is nothing offered for adults. (Like the first few Spy Kids films had). The villain makes way to many puns, the dialoge is horrible, and it has super campy fights. So if thats what you want, then go for it.

I would only recommend this film for those who want to watch shiny color effects and mindless action. The effects are better then earlier spy kids films, but it seems like series is only trying to milk itself into the ground. Tis a shame.


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