Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Father Nature Ramblings

I have to admit, this has been one of the most challenging projects I have ever worked on. Mainly because so many things have gotten in the way of making it. The frist shoot day, one of our actors was a hour late so we where waiting around and it was quiet. But then as soon as he showed up, a band in a near by park started to play music.

Then the next date we where filming a dawn shoot, and our actress thought we where shooting at 5:30 pm instead of AM, so that was a wasted day.

And on the date after that, we got a douche parking ranger in our face and he stole our signs. Like we had these signs taped to the posts and even though he gave us a half hour to film, he took them down and stole. Like, what the hell. Anyway, I find it funny that parking rangers are always kinda douchey, they never seem nice or caring. Their always like, sorry, my park, my rules.

But even with all that, I think we'll pull though. I mean, if that can't stop us, I don't think anything can right?


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