Saturday, August 20, 2011

Conan The Barbarian Review ~ Its loud, gory and fun, despite its story

Oh Conan The Barbarian, the name of the movie brings back memoires to the old movies of 1982. Sure it was cheesy, but it was epic.

So with this 2011 remake, that is what we get. Cheesy 3D effects and gore action like battles which are pretty cool. But we also get a plot, that sometimes doesn't make sense at times and pretty predictable characters.

Even the acting in this film will make you laugh, there are a few scenes where its pretty bad its just funny. Otherwise, its allright during the rest of the film.

Conan The Barbarian has a few cool creative fight scenes, which I would recommend seeing if your into that kind of stuff. Otherwise, the plot is pretty predictable and stuff you have seen before. Basiclly Conan goes out to seek revenge, and he runs into a witch and there are epic battles.

So overall, its not the worst movie I've seen, but its not super good either. Which is a shame, cause the source materiel is pretty awesome.


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