Friday, January 28, 2011

The Rite Review ~ Nothing new or noteworthy in the Exorcism Genre

Man, is it just me or is the whole Exorcism genre a bit overdone these days. The Last Exorcism was pretty bad last fall so I didn't have high hopes for The Rite, and while its not as bad as the The Last Exorcism, its nothing to good either.

If your going in expecting a horror movie which will scare you, you'll be disappointed. The movie is a somewhat mix of horror and suspense, but it can't pull either fairly well.

The Rite is about Michael, who goes to a priest school to escape from home. He doesn't really believe in the whole thing Devil thing so he decides to met up with Farther Lucas. Who works with Exorcisms a lot. Michael must decide if these demons are real or not as he experiences these exorcisms.

The plot of the Rite is a bit of a slow one. The movie takes a while before it gets going and it has a weird pace throughout the movie. I do give props for the twist, even with its anti cinematic ending.

The Exorcism scenes are what you expect, demonic voice, head twisting, bending back, but nothing really new or really crazy happens. Its hard to tell if the film was trying to take itself serious or trying to go into fiction at times. As it doesn't have enough suspenseful moments or horror like terror to be either.

Maybe we have seen to many exorcism movies over the year, but I think the genre just needs a break. Ever since the Exorcist, (the true classic) no film has been able to come close to the awesomeness of that movie.

Anthony Hopkins is the only reason to see this movie as he pulls off his role quite well. Colin's acting is all right, but I don't think the script did his character justice. Anyway, if your looking for a mild trip into the Exorcism world, then this movie may be up to your liking. But those expecting a true horror or supense masterpiece may want skip and revisit the Exorcist.


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